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Family doctor

    谢吉伯医生(Dr.Gilbert Shia) 在英国剑桥大学及牛津大学取得医学硕士学位及儿科、妇产科等多个专科文凭,在英国学习及行医30年,为英国注册家庭医生和牛津大学医学院讲师。2006年回国后在北京涉外高端门诊工作,同时也参于国家社区医疗推广,在北京东城区担任家庭医生专家顾问,开展社区糖尿病足筛查,曾接受中央电视台 ‘焦点访谈’ 栏目、中国日报、北京电视台、北京晚报、凤凰卫视等诸多知名媒体报刊专题的采访。现兼任北京首都医科大学全科系客座讲师。

    谢医生亲自担任临床团队主管,并负责临床培训与指导。将最新的英式家庭医生诊疗思路和循证医学的成果运用于日常诊疗流程中,让诊疗方法能达到国际水平,流程更据科学性 。


Dr. Gilbert Shia came from Britain and is a specialist in family medicine. He received his medical training at Cambridge University and his post-graduate training at Oxford University.  He holds post-graduate diplomas in paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology. He had been working as a General Practitioner (family doctor) in England for 15 years and was a lecturer at the Oxford University.

Dr. Shia came to China in 2006 and is licensed to practice medicine in China. He has worked in both the expatriate sector as well as in the local community. He was interviewed by CCTV, BTV and Phoenix TV as well as numerous newspapers including China Daily for his pioneering work in introducing the British concept of family medicine to China and in providing British standard chronic disease management to the local community. He lectures at the Capital Medical University in Beijing.

Dr. Shia brings with him the concept of continued care and person centred care from Britain. As he lives in Beijing long term he has become the personal doctor of many expatriate families. Dr. Shia is a warden to the British Consulate in Beijing.

Dr. Shia was born in Hong Kong and so he is fluent in Cantonese as well as Mandarin and English. He enjoys traveling and eating out.

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